Monday, August 27, 2007

What's up with that?!

Thinking BEFORE you have to!?... a novel concept, I know but, "chance favors the prepared mind" is one of the best things Louis Pasteur ever said (as far as I know...). School is just about to start and the Leaders for Tomorrow 2 class is already thinking... or should be... about fundraising, about projects and about making their mark on our/their community. There are so many opportunities to do something great for Hood River County - some are clear, visible/tangible... and some we wouldn't think of if we had a year to cogitate on it!

AND SO, members of the community, we look to you for ideas. The students will, of course, make the final decision and we have things like budgetary constraints, time constraints and our project goals to consider... but, if you have an idea for a project that could really make a difference for our community, Let us know! You can post comments here or call Kristin (541.386.2000, ext.16) with your suggestions!

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